Data Security Guidelines for Data Lakes in Large-Scale Corporations: Fortune 500 MNC Edition

Introduction: As large-scale corporations manage vast volumes of data in their Data Lakes, ensuring robust data security becomes paramount. With sensitive information and potential risks involved, it is crucial to establish comprehensive data security guidelines. This article aims to provide a detailed set of guidelines specifically tailored for Data Lakes Read more…

Choosing a Reliable Data Science Consulting Company for Building a Data Lake: A Comprehensive Guide

  Introduction: In the digital age, organizations are increasingly recognizing the value of data and the need to harness its power to drive strategic decision-making. Building a data lake, a centralized repository that stores structured and unstructured data, is a crucial step towards unlocking the potential of data. However, organizations Read more…

Connecting Data Silos

In recent years, medium to large size organizations are facing the same problems with data silos available across different departments. Even some of them are having the Enterprise data warehouse, but there are missing pieces outside the data warehouse like social media information, weblog, etc. Figure 1: Typical Example of Read more…